How is Fastkey able to conduct criminal background checks?

How is Fastkey able to conduct criminal background checks?

The outcomes of our Criminal Record Checks are derived from our partnerships with accredited Canadian Police services. Fastkey Technology Ltd. collaborates with numerous police agencies across Canada to conduct these checks. Our company has established contractual agreements, duly executed and approved in conjunction with these police agencies and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). These agreements permit the acquisition and sharing of criminal record information, aligning with the guidelines outlined in the RCMP Canadian Police Information Centre’s (CPIC) Dissemination of Criminal Record Information policy. All agreements have undergone scrutiny and approval from both the RCMP’s CPIC and the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS).

Furthermore, Section 19 of the Dissemination of Criminal Record Information policy outlines the accreditation standards that a third party must fulfill before entering into any such agreement with a Canadian police service. Fastkey Technology Ltd. has not only met but exceeded these accreditation standards, earning the approval of the partnering police agencies and the RCMP (CPIC and CCRTIS).